Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

This is letting go

Auch wenn das "neue" Album ziemlich mainstream geworden ist.. die Lieder finde ich trotzdem toll <3 RISE AGAINST *_*

leider ist die Stimme im Video etwas komisch.. aber ich hab kein besseres gefunden :/


Once upon a time I could take anything
I always stepped in time, regardless of the beat
I moved my feet, I carried weight
what I could not do I faked
I dug seeking treasure
just to wake up in an early grave
I stopped right then and said

Go on alone
because I won't follow
but this isn't giving up
no, this is letting go

Out with the old
dreams I've borrowed
the path I carve from here on out will be my own
this path will be my own

This is the part where the needle skips and the chorus plays
like a sink that drips
a syllable repeating
like a warning we aren't heeding until all of
a sudden we notice it
when the wheels brace and the tires grip
a map we've been misreading
a defeat we're not conceding until now
there must be some other way out

Go on alone
because I won't follow
but this isn't giving up
no, this is letting go

Out with the old
dreams I've borrowed
the path I carve from here on out will be my own
this path will be my own

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Hey du ^^ Danke für dein Komentar.. hm hört sich an wie ein Anrufbeantworter.. ; ) Egal das sag ich nicht einfach so sondern weil es micht wirklich total freut ! Melli<3

P.s: Ihr könnt auch noch mehr schreiben :D